Facial Cleansing

Cleansing your face may seem fairly straightforward; but I have a few tips to help you get the most from your skincare routine!

1.) Makeup wipes do not cleanse your skin. They are meant to remove makeup. That’s it. Makeup wipes do not remove debris from your pores, only from the surface.

2.) Double-cleansing is a must (in my opinion), if you wear makeup or are prone to pore congestion and acne. Double-cleansing is just what it sounds like, cleansing twice! The first cleanse is with a cream or oil based cleanser (I prefer oil to help break down oil and impurities in the pores), and then you follow with a cleanser appropriate for your skin type. I recommend double cleansing at night to help remove makeup, pollution, and other debris from the skin.

3.) Take your time. Cleansing your skin should take about 60 seconds or so. Use this time to give yourself a nice facial massage. Facial massage helps increase circulation in the skin and can improve skin tone, reduce fine lines/wrinkles, reduce acne, and give you a nice healthy glow!

4.) Use an appropriate cleanser for your skin type (more on this below). Cleansing your skin shouldn’t leave it tight or irritated. If it does, you are probably using a cleanser that is too harsh for your skin.

Choosing a Cleanser for your Skin Type.

I’ve learned a lot over the past two+ years as an esthetician; the most important thing I’ve learned is just because you have acne, doesn’t mean you need a daily salicylic cleanser. The skin has a lipid barrier, over exfoliating depletes that barrier causing more issues (like excess oil, sensitivity, dehydration, and more acne!). Using a foaming cleanser with a gentle physical exfoliant can help reduce acne and allow the lipid barrier to remain intact. I recommend Circadia’s Micro-Exfoliating Honey Cleanser for oily, acneic, or acne prone skin.

Normal skin types can use a cream or gentle foaming cleanser. I recommend Circadia’s Lipid Replacing Cleanser; it foams to remove impurities, but doesn’t strip the skin of natural oils. I also recommend this cleanser for those with rosacea.

It’s important for those with dry skin to not use a foaming cleanser because it strips away natural oils and causes more dryness and irritation. I recommend using a cream or oil cleanser for dry skin to help maintain moisture in the skin. Circadia’s Vitamin Veil Cleanser is an oil based cleanser that is loaded with antioxidants to help protect the skin’s lipid barrier and prevent moisture loss.

Hope these tips help you! I’ll be posting more skincare tips and tricks soon!

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